Saturday, December 10, 2016

Due 12-4-16
Written Analysis 3
                        The definition of a hero is someone noted for courageous acts or nobility of character ( 2016). Unfortunately, in today’s era I think most people don’t look up to actual heroes. You see it every time a celebrity dies people post all over social media RIP, so sad, another great one gone, and other comments like this. These are the same people usually that post nothing when people they actually know in real life die. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Especially when they look up to these actors of musicians who died of drug overdoses or look up to the people on “reality TV”.
            These are not heroes, they are not people who should be celebrated, and you shouldn’t be sad when someone passes away who did it to themselves. I have stated my view on social media regarding these which led to people unfriending me or telling me how mean I am. Oh well I said I care about the people I actually know who pass away, real heroes who do good in the world, and people who don’t ruin others’ lives with their illness of drugs. The father of my 3 oldest children has not seen them in over 9 years because he cares more about his crack, meth, and heroin addiction. I do not feel sorry for him because he chose to live that life I feel bad for my kids because they are the ones who suffer.
            Today though people celebrate a celebrity giving money to charity or doing make a wish when in reality they do it as a tax write off or if they are an athlete it is in their contract that they do so many of these events. Yes there are some that do these acts because they really care but if you want to be a hero you don’t do it for the fame and photo ops.

            When you look at it as today is a different, faster paced, social media driven world you can see how the term hero becomes fuzzy. People tend to look up to who is advertised to them the most I feel. If I apply these theories I can see how someone might look up to people of this nature instead of what I consider real heroes like military, doctors, fireman, policemen, Martin Luther King, Abe Lincoln, and the list can go on. I wish more people would focus on the people who risk their lives every day for us and ask nothing in return because they are the real heroes. 

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