Sunday, December 18, 2016

12-17-16 Culture and Society
Christina Davis (Henson)

1980’s Video games

Image result for super mario bros nes

I have picked the 1980’s more specifically 1985 when the original Nintendo was released and came with Super Mario Bros. This artifact represents the new age in gaming. Yes we had Pong and Atari but Nintendo was a game changer in the video game market and Super Mario Bros. led the way. This game is well known around the world and the Mario Bros. franchise is the backbone of the Nintendo brand.

Super Mario Bros. shows the first in 8-bit gaming technology and how far gaming has come. You had 8 worlds with many different boards in those worlds. The graphics at that time were mind blowing and we thought they were the best they could ever get (Boy, were we wrong)
Image result for super mario bros nes Image result for super mario bros nes
Image result for super mario bros nes game system
Super Mario Bros. represents the first affordable at home gaming system the most people owned. It was something people could do in their homes without having to visit the local arcade. It changed the way people viewed video games and was a new activity families could do together without spending a ton of money. The original NES games cost around $50 which is crazy to think the new games today range from $50-$60. The cost of the games has not changed much but the consoles sure have. The original Nintendo console was $89.99 without a game or you could buy it with Super Mario Bros. for $99.99. That is the one my mom got us.
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Image result for mario 1985
The original Super Mario Bros. represents to me my childhood, the turning point in gaming, and when games were simpler. However, in today’s culture if you put any of the original 8-bit games that I thought were ground breaking in for a child of TODAY'S society they would become bored. I tried to show my kids how awesome games were in my day by breaking out the original Nintendo and playing with them. After about 10 minutes they had enough and haven’t wanted to play since. The graphics have evolved so much that games look realistic almost but wee must never forget the game that changed it all which is Super Mario Bros. on NES. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Journal Article
                        The bases of the article Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie is that over the years the way zombie films have been viewed has changed. After 9/11 popular culture changed and now views zombies as a worst-case scenario or the fears of epidemics and terrorism (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). The author states that the movies represent a “crisis mentality” on a culture waiting for the next terrorist attack, violent outbreak, or the next pandemic (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). Before all of this sometimes zombie films were viewed politically or even comically (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008).
            Most of the zombie films show people who are not ready for what has just happened, the violence or the disease and focus on whatever the current global concern is at the time of the film (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). The article talks about the movie 28 days later and how it was basically ground breaking because the zombies were infected instead of rising from the dead. It points to the fact that these zombies could run as a new definition in zombies but I remember watching Return of the Living Dead (1985) when I was a child and they had fast zombies and even one named I believe Bubba that could speak. I think 28 days later was not exactly a new concept but evolving from an existing one. However, the author gives a great analysis on the movie 28 days later which makes me appreciate the movie in a whole new light because I have never really thought of it as a great zombie movie. Honestly, I find it boring and drags on too much.
            In this article they compare the original Dawn of the Dead with the remake. It goes over the differences in how quickly the outbreak happens in the remake and also the changes in the zombie’s behavior (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). I agree with this analysis that it depicts that outbreaks are going to be too quick to stop and fits more in with today’s society and how we perceive things. They also discuss the squel to 28 days later which is 28 weeks later. I have never seen this movie but agree with how the author views how the movie relates to the fears of society. She states that even though the military is involved they can’t suppress the violence in the film just like the fighting in other countries and the wars that are ongoing (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008).
            Another movie that is referenced is Diary of the Dead which I have seen. I agree with the authors points on the media and news outlets relaying information that may be inaccurate or make things seem worse than they are (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). A bit of a scare tactic if you will. In today’s society no matter what horrible thing is taking place rather it be a terrorist attack or school shooting usually the first information we receive from the media is inaccurate. Each news station is trying to the first to get the information out and usually it’s not correct. Take the recent incident at OSU. First we heard shots were fired and there were multiple shooters but in reality it was one guy who used his car and a knife. I don’t fault the media for this because they are trying to get the information they know out to the public so people can get to safety. So at the end of the day their inaccurate information will be clarified but if they wait until they know 100% of the facts people could end up in danger.
            This article makes me view zombie films in a different light. Before reading it I would enjoy zombie films for the horror I thought they were meant to be. Now though I can look at them and understand some of her points and views. Zombie films have changed and do seem to change with the culture. It does seem that they show how as a nation we are scared and worried about bad things happening and no one will be able to save us. As she says in the article is the human race even worth saving (Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie 2008). That makes you think. I believe this article is important because to me it lets me appreciate the zombie film genre as something more in depth. I can see how it has evolved where I never paid attention before. Do I believe some zombie films don’t fit in this mold, of course I do but you have to wonder why in recent years more people have become fascinated with zombie things. If people didn’t have the fear of the next big thing happening and how horrible people can become if left with no government or rule then The Walking Dead wouldn’t be one of the biggest shows on TV.

Due 12-17-16
Written Analysis 5
                        Over this course we have discussed many different theories but I think stereotypes is the one that sticks out most with me. You can look and see stereotypes everywhere. Culture, race, religion, sexuality, and basically anywhere else.  I believe during this course I did these analysis incorrectly because I didn’t stay with the same topic but picked different ones each week but the stereotype week meant the most to me in my daily life.
            From my knowledge and living life I have always noticed how people look at others and it makes me sad at times. Growing up I had a father who viewed that whites were the best race and I should feel privileged to be such. He also tried to instill that homosexuals were horrible people going to hell for their choice. I would say my dad was my biggest influence in the ignorance of stereotypes but yet he fits in one perfectly. Most people think Kentucky is filled with ignorant hillbillies who are racist. Yes, this isn’t true but sometimes it is because that is where my father is from.       
            His views have sculpted my life and shown me the person I don’t want to be. I took an African American to prom just to piss him off. I have lots of homosexual friends because I know it’s not a choice but how they were born because I struggled for years with being bisexual. Now as an adult I have cut my father out of my life and I am a lot happier not surrounded by that hate he preaches.

            I will think of stereotypes differently because of this course because it made me see the other stereotypes that exist in the world other than the ones I have faced. This knowledge will allow me to raise my children with the views of acceptance of all things. Stereotypes hurt people, they cause hatred, and they divide nations. You will never be able to change how people view or perceive others but that shouldn’t let you stop from trying. Give people a chance and stand up for what you know is right. One person’s actions do not determine the masses so please don’t live your life being scared or hating because we are all people with our own demons. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Written Analysis 4
                        Formula in popular culture is when story lines and plots are reused so much that they become predictable.  When you look at any movie or TV show that involves a hero you can say it is predictable because the good guys always defeat the bad guys. They never really kill the bad guys though because you want to leave it open that they could return and if you kill all the bad guys who would the good guys have left to fight?
            In the Marvel comic book Universe almost every hero and villain has died and returned. If someone dies you can bet they will be back to fight another day. Death in the comic book world isn’t really death because the characters are iconic and people want to see their storylines continue. So no matter the story of the character the formula is always the same and predictable. It follows the same pattern and journey. Bad guy comes to take over the world, kidnap someone, or just make the heroes day bad and the hero comes together either alone or with friends to save the day.
            Even if someone dies during the time it takes for them to come back sometimes another character will step up to become them for a short time. In the case of Captain America he was killed by Crossbones, who works for the villain Red Skull. This was all in the aftermath of the Civil War when Captains army was fighting Iron Man’s army. When Cap was killed his best friend Bucky eventually became him. He did this because the world needed a Captain America and Bucky knew Captain the best. He was trained by Captain American and knew him better than anyone so the honor of being Cap would mean more to Bucky than anyone else. Eventually they find a way and Captain America is reborn. It is nice to have these stories even if predictable because each time you wonder, how will they defeat the bad guy this time?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Due 12-4-16
Written Analysis 3
                        The definition of a hero is someone noted for courageous acts or nobility of character ( 2016). Unfortunately, in today’s era I think most people don’t look up to actual heroes. You see it every time a celebrity dies people post all over social media RIP, so sad, another great one gone, and other comments like this. These are the same people usually that post nothing when people they actually know in real life die. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Especially when they look up to these actors of musicians who died of drug overdoses or look up to the people on “reality TV”.
            These are not heroes, they are not people who should be celebrated, and you shouldn’t be sad when someone passes away who did it to themselves. I have stated my view on social media regarding these which led to people unfriending me or telling me how mean I am. Oh well I said I care about the people I actually know who pass away, real heroes who do good in the world, and people who don’t ruin others’ lives with their illness of drugs. The father of my 3 oldest children has not seen them in over 9 years because he cares more about his crack, meth, and heroin addiction. I do not feel sorry for him because he chose to live that life I feel bad for my kids because they are the ones who suffer.
            Today though people celebrate a celebrity giving money to charity or doing make a wish when in reality they do it as a tax write off or if they are an athlete it is in their contract that they do so many of these events. Yes there are some that do these acts because they really care but if you want to be a hero you don’t do it for the fame and photo ops.

            When you look at it as today is a different, faster paced, social media driven world you can see how the term hero becomes fuzzy. People tend to look up to who is advertised to them the most I feel. If I apply these theories I can see how someone might look up to people of this nature instead of what I consider real heroes like military, doctors, fireman, policemen, Martin Luther King, Abe Lincoln, and the list can go on. I wish more people would focus on the people who risk their lives every day for us and ask nothing in return because they are the real heroes. 
Due 11-27-16
Written Analysis 2
                        I don’t think it matters what country you are from I think people stereotype other cultures and how they view them. These are generalized from how people see cultures depicted on TV, movies and past acts of people from these cultures. Sometimes they can be good but usually these are bad. No one wants to fit in a box and be classified as something they aren’t. When I was in high school we had an exchange student from France. I asked him, what was the biggest difference he noticed when he actually came to the United States? He told me that in France they view Americans as cowboys all riding horses with cowboy hats. I laughed and told him we viewed them as wearing berets, smoking, loving long loaves of bread, and being artsy. He said the only knowledge he had of Americans was western movies.
            There are lots of stereotypes of ethnic groups, other counties and even within other states. Kentucky and West Virginia they all marry their cousins, are dumb hillbillies, and inbred. Mexicans drink a lot, are illegal and must be in the drug cartel. Irish people love to drink and fight. All Middle Eastern people are terrorist or all Muslims. All homosexuals have aids. These are not true because not all of the people from these areas are like this and it is unfortunate that is the way they are viewed and portrayed. Putting labels on people or religious groups is hurtful and condemns people in the group who are not like this.

            Stereotypes like this harm people because they cause hate or others to look down upon them because people are not educated enough on differences. The biggest one I think today would be Middle Eastern or Muslim people. Since 9/11 people are scared and don’t want to take a chance. The terrorist people in this group are the radicals and are few in comparison to the number of good ones. I feel bad for people from other countries who come here because they are stereotyped into something they are not when all they are trying to do is escape a bad situation. 
Due 11-20-16

Written Analysis 1
                        Are you a Captain Kirk or Captain Picard fan? This is the never ending battle between Star Trek fans. Who was the better Captain and why? No matter who you are Trekkie or not I am sure you have heard of Star Trek. It is a myth that is in fact larger than life. That TV show crosses generations and cultures. There are conventions and merchandise still being produced even though new episodes are no longer being produced. The original Star Trek with Captain Kirk was noteworthy even if you are not a fan because it enlisted such a huge cult following and made William Shatner forever be known as Captain Kirk. What is astonishing about this is the fact the original show was only 79 episodes and still today you see references for this show in other shows and movies. Just the other day I was watching Family Guy and they cut to a scene of Captain Kirk on the bridge.
            Now Captain Picard ran the Enterprise on the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation which was 178 episodes. So even with 99 more episodes it seems that the original series is the one people favor most because it led the way into uncharted territory. A sci-fi show that everyone could enjoy.  Now both these shows had movies as well and they are still making movies and video games now. However, even the new movies use the characters from the original series not The Next Generation so that also seems to be the bigger series and one people enjoy more.

            Each Captain was great in the own right for different reasons. They each have their own styles of leading the crew. Kirk would make quick decisions without thinking them through which would result in him usually being taken hostage and having to get himself out of the pickle he created. The only one Kirk would listen to was his right hand man Spock and that was only occasionally.  On the other hand Picard would get advice from others and think things through to come up with the best plan of action. I could go on and on listing their differences but what I have learned is it doesn’t matter because both these actors played such iconic roles they will forever by type cast as Captain. They are archetypes and their characters larger than life. I have learned no matter who you like better it is still great that the same basic show can allow others from different backgrounds to come together and have a discussion.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pop Culture Blog Due 11-13-16
Christina Davis (Henson)

What does pop culture mean to me? Once I sit back and think about pop culture I would say it is the current fads, rather that be music, clothes, people, etc. I would consider it anything that most people are currently into. Throughout the years people have been obsessed over several different items then it seems like over night those items are no longer considered cool. Growing up it was Swoosh pants, slap bands, starter jackets, and Jordan's. I'm sure there were many more because I am sure it depends on the area you live in what is considered popular. This would also be true with the celebrities that people are into and the music people like the most. I grew up in the country where most people were into tight fitting wrangler jeans, John Deere, and country music. I was never one to fit into the mold of my area because I wore skater pants and jammed to death metal. So to me most of pop culture that had an influence in my area just seems to be what people were into so they felt accepted. 

I think and understanding of pop culture is important in the business world presently and in the future. You have to stay up on the trends of what is going on in the world around you. What is accepted now that wasn't 20 years ago? You want to be able to change with the times and accepting of what might be influencing the people you work around. This will help you to relate to others in the work place, make connections, and hopefully advance your career. 

Image result for cabbage patch 1980

I choose the Cabbage Patch doll. This was a pop culture icon in my era. I remember seeing people on TV fighting at the store trying to get their hands on one of these for Christmas. My dad told me when I got older that 2 ladies were fighting in the store over a Cabbage Patch doll while they left the doll in their cart. He said he needed it for me so he reached into their cart while they were hair pulling and took her home for me. Rather that story really happened we will never know but my dad is well......known for things of this sort. However, these dolls mean nothing close to today's generation the way they did to mine. I have purchased a few for my daughters and they don't even look twice at them.

Icon Analysis
Christina Davis

I want to share 3 contemporary icons I think of when asked. I am not sure how iconic these items are to others as they are to me but depending on the circle you run in or what your interest are you might just find them iconic as well. Legend of Zelda, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and emojis are three popular culture icons that first come to my mind.

Emojis are huge in today's society. You see them everywhere in text or even at the store you can buy pillows of your favorite ones. They seem to be the thing all the younger people are into now. I know my kids always add them to text when they communicate with me. They are cute and let you express how you feel without actually saying the words.

 The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies. It brings Halloween and Christmas together and has a cult following. You can find merchandise for this movie everywhere from Hot Topic to Walmart. Even though this movie came out in 1993 and is basically the same story line as The Grinch that stole Christmas it is loved by people of all ages. There is a good moral to the story because it shows how much Jack loves Christmas and wants to bring joy to people instead of scares like he has to on his holiday which is Halloween.

Last is the Legend of Zelda. This video game franchise has been extremely successful for Nintendo since the beginning. There are new games still being made and have been for all their video game platforms. I played this as a child with my brother and it allowed us to bond since he is 5 years older than me. Zelda is my husbands favorite video game and he loved that I loved it too. We love this game so much we named our newest son Lincoln so we can call him Link.

Image result for nightmare before christmas           Image result for legend of zelda dangerous to go alone